10th ERAS UK Conference: Optimising Care after Treatment
Our most recent conference was held online on Friday 17th September with a focus on optimising care after treatment and improving recovery after discharge.We also hosted a virtual, lunchtime networking event with an online poster walk
Ken Fearon Prize for best oral abstract presentation was awarded to Chris Parnell, Royal Free Hospital - Abstract 21016 Post-operative haemodynamic fluid therapy in Enhanced Recovery for renal transplantation
Best poster prize was awarded to K H Lim, N Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency - Abstract 21014 Implementation of ERAS in Primary and Salvage Laryngectomies
Recordings of each conference session will be available to registered delegates very soon.
Session 1 (09:00 - 10:30) Impact of complications on clinical recovery
Moderator: Nader Francis
Session 2 (11:00 - 12:30) Ken Fearon Prize Session - selected oral abstract presentations
Moderators: Sonal Sonwalker, Angie Balfour, Jim Tiernan
Lunchtime networking and poster walk (12:00 - 13:30)
Session 3 (13:00 - 14:30) ERAS and COVID-19
Moderators: Rachael Barlow, Deirdre Cunningham
Session 4 (15:00 - 16:30) Functional recovery and patient experience
Moderators: Tom Wainwright, David McDonald
Ken Fearon Prize for best oral abstract presentation was awarded to Chris Parnell, Royal Free Hospital - Abstract 21016 Post-operative haemodynamic fluid therapy in Enhanced Recovery for renal transplantation
Best poster prize was awarded to K H Lim, N Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency - Abstract 21014 Implementation of ERAS in Primary and Salvage Laryngectomies
Recordings of each conference session will be available to registered delegates very soon.
Session 1 (09:00 - 10:30) Impact of complications on clinical recovery
Moderator: Nader Francis
- Management of intraoperative events (Nathan Curtis)
- Measuring post-operative complications and understanding how they impact recovery (Nicolas Demartines)
- Overcoming the challenges with the collection of post-operative morbidity data (Ramani Moonesinghe)
Session 2 (11:00 - 12:30) Ken Fearon Prize Session - selected oral abstract presentations
Moderators: Sonal Sonwalker, Angie Balfour, Jim Tiernan
- PONV For Cardiac Surgery and importance as part of an ERAS pathway (A Ratnasingham)
- Pregablin an adjunct for analgesia, and reducing ileus as part of an Enhanced Recovery Pathway In Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection (A Ratnasingham)
- An independent advanced nurse practitioner clinical (ANPC) for early discharged thoracic patients in the context of an enhanced recovery after surgery pathway (ERAS): the Sheffield experience (R Ostrovskis-Wilkes)
- Patient Reported Outcomes in patients undergoing major colorectal surgery before and during the Covid-19 pandemic (B Akinlade)
- Post-operative haemodynamic fluid therapy in Enhanced Recovery for renal transplantation (C Parnell)
- The feasibility of implementing an enhanced recovery programme in patients undergoing pelvic exenteration (P Mauriac)
Lunchtime networking and poster walk (12:00 - 13:30)
Session 3 (13:00 - 14:30) ERAS and COVID-19
Moderators: Rachael Barlow, Deirdre Cunningham
- New ways of working – virtual prehab and virtual surgery school (Zoe Merchant & Imogen Fecher-Jones)
- New ways of working – virtual clinics and telehealth (Chrysanthi Papoutsi)
- Sharing the gains of prehab and ERAS to benefit patients on growing waiting lists (Moderated discussion)
Session 4 (15:00 - 16:30) Functional recovery and patient experience
Moderators: Tom Wainwright, David McDonald
- Patient perspectives on recovery
- PROMS and physical performance testing (Julio Fiore)
- Using technology to improve postoperative outcome (Frederic Michard)