11th ERAS UK Conference: Innovation for Recovery
Royal Armouries Museum, Leeds 25th November 2022
Many thanks to everyone who joined us in person and online. Links to the webinar recordings are now available for all participants. If you have a query, please do get in touch.
Session 1: Recognising progress (08:30 - 10:00) Watch the recording
Introductions: N Francis, S Sonwalkar
Opening address - Sir Julian Hartley, CEO Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Hospitals
Reflections from the MDT on a decade of improvement in perioperative care, A Balfour, N Francis, K Ray, D McDonald
Session 2: Ken Fearon Award Session (10:30 - 12:00)
List of presentations available here
Congratulations to Rebecca Clark and the team from NHS Highland for winning the 2022 Ken Fearon Award for their presentation on Digital Consultation to provide ERAS education.
Watch the recording
Session 3: Drinking, eating and mobilising: a spotlight on variations in practice and approach (12:40 - 14:10)
An audit of practice in colorectal cancer surgery in Yorkshire, S Howell, Leeds Teaching Hospitals
SipTilSend - the end of preoperative fluid deprivation, C Gray & H Watson, NHS Tayside
DREAMing in Wales, R Barlow & E Davies, Cardiff University
Watch the recording
Session 4: Where are the limits of ERAS
Applying ERAS principles to pelvic exenteration: a fool's errand? J Tiernan, Leeds Teaching Hospitals
Tailoring ERAS for liver transplant patients, ERAS4OLT, M Spiro, University College London
Improving perioperative care for renal transplant paitients, R Thomas, NHS Lothian
Closing address and Ken Fearon award presentation, S Sonwalkar
Session 1: Recognising progress (08:30 - 10:00) Watch the recording
Introductions: N Francis, S Sonwalkar
Opening address - Sir Julian Hartley, CEO Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Hospitals
Reflections from the MDT on a decade of improvement in perioperative care, A Balfour, N Francis, K Ray, D McDonald
Session 2: Ken Fearon Award Session (10:30 - 12:00)
List of presentations available here
Congratulations to Rebecca Clark and the team from NHS Highland for winning the 2022 Ken Fearon Award for their presentation on Digital Consultation to provide ERAS education.
Watch the recording
Session 3: Drinking, eating and mobilising: a spotlight on variations in practice and approach (12:40 - 14:10)
An audit of practice in colorectal cancer surgery in Yorkshire, S Howell, Leeds Teaching Hospitals
SipTilSend - the end of preoperative fluid deprivation, C Gray & H Watson, NHS Tayside
DREAMing in Wales, R Barlow & E Davies, Cardiff University
Watch the recording
Session 4: Where are the limits of ERAS
Applying ERAS principles to pelvic exenteration: a fool's errand? J Tiernan, Leeds Teaching Hospitals
Tailoring ERAS for liver transplant patients, ERAS4OLT, M Spiro, University College London
Improving perioperative care for renal transplant paitients, R Thomas, NHS Lothian
Closing address and Ken Fearon award presentation, S Sonwalkar